2021: My three wishes for you


It is nearly the end of the first week of 2021. In the UK, are in lockdown - again.

I am seeing a lot of ‘stuff’ online about getting yourself ready for the new year. Language like: goals, resolutions, intentions.

  • What impact do these words have on you?

  • Do they resonate or do they make you want to run a mile?

Some days I find it really useful to set clear intentions. Other days I feel like I want to let the day unfold and see what emerges. If last year has taught me anything it is to not hold things too tightly and to be flexible. As someone who likes to plan this can feel a bit loose, yet I know it to be true. As we continue in this world of uncertainty, I have 3 wishes for you this year (and for myself):

  • Accept yourself as you are - you are enough.

  • You give yourself space - it is a tough time so take things at your own pace.

  • Set boundaries - be clear what is ok, and what is not ok for you.

Take a moment to recognise how far you have come getting to this point.